讲座时间:2018-10-13 上午10:30
2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, 2D Polymer and 2D Perovskites
Kian Ping Loh教授是石墨烯研究领域的国际知名专家,也是新加坡国立大学石墨烯中心的主要发起人之一。鉴于其突出的科研贡献,Loh教授于2013年被授予“ACS Nano Lectureship Award”,2014年被授予新加坡学术界最高荣誉“President’s Science Award”。目前,Loh教授担任Chemistry of Materials和Diamond and Related Materials的副主编,同时还兼任Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, 2D-Materials的编委。至今为止,已经发表200余篇SCI论文,包括Nature、 Nat. Mater.、Nat. Nanotechnol.、Nat. Chem.、 Nat. Energy、Nat. Photo.、 Nat. Commun.、 JACS、Angew. Chem.、Nano lett.、 Adv. Mater.等。
I will show the progress made in my team with regards to the large area growth of 2-D transition metal chalcogenides on low cost, as well as wafer scale growth on hexagonal BN using Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Going from 2D inorganic materials to 2D organic materials, the synthesis of graphene-like, conjugated aromatic 2D polymer is one of the greatest challenges in synthetic chemistry. We have successfully synthesized a crystalline 2D conjugated aromatic polymer (2D-CAP) by topochemical polymerization of a molecular crystal based on C-C coupling between adjacent monomers. 2D-CAP crystalline polymer has a layered stacking structure and can be readily exfoliated into ultrathin sheets. 2D-CAP also has highly ordered porosity (pore size 6 Å) created by the stacking of slightly slipped 2D-CAP sheets. Due to its intrasheet conjugation and ordered open 1D channels, 2D-CAP exhibits good cycle stability and rate capability when applied as an anode in an ambient temperature sodium battery cell. When applied as an asymmetric supercapacitor, it delivers a specific capacitance of 233 F g-1 at a current density of 1.0 A g-1 .